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Only When It’s Love by Olivia Spring – A Review for a Rachel’s Random Resources Blog Tour @rararesources @ospringauthor #RachelsRandomResources #OnlyWhenItsLove

  • Title: Only When It’s Love
  • Author: Olivia Spring
  • Publisher: Hartley Publishing on February 7, 2019
  • Genre: Chick Lit
  • Pages: 277
  • Formats Available: Paperback & Digital
  • Rating: 3/5

Trigger Warnings: Graphic Sex

Many thanks to Rachel’s Random Resources, Helen McGinn, and Hartley Publishing for providing me with a digital copy of Only When It’s Love with a request for an honest review.

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Only When It’s Love Blurb

Alex is tired of being single. After years of disastrous hook-ups and relationships that lead to the bedroom but nowhere else, Alex is convinced she’ll never find her Mr. Right. Then her newly married friend Stacey recommends what worked for her: a self-help book that guarantees Alex will find true love in just seven steps. Sounds simple, right?

Except Alex soon discovers that each step is more difficult than the last, and one of the rules involves dating, but not sleeping with a guy for six months. Absolutely no intimate contact whatsoever. Zero. Nada. Rien. A big challenge for Alex, who has never been one to hold back from jumping straight into the sack, hoping it will help a man fall for her.

Will any guys be willing to wait? Will Alex find her Mr. Right? And if she does, will she be strong enough to resist temptation and hold out for true love?

Join Alex on her roller coaster romantic journey as she tries to cope with the emotional and physical ups and downs of dating whilst following a lengthy list of rigid rules.

Only When It’s Love is a fun, feel-good, romantic comedy by British author Olivia Spring, about self-acceptance, determination, love and the challenge of finding the one.

The sequel, When’s The Wedding? will be published on 25th March 2021.

Provided by Rachel’s Random Resources for Tour Use

My Review

Olivia Spring delivers a showstopper novel full of angst and love. With Only When It’s Love, the reader gets the full picture of dating in the 21st century. How are you meant to find the perfect guy for you? Follow a simple formula, of course.

The author has a way with words. She puts you in the middle of the story and lets you feel how the character feels in that moment. It is like a living story.

I must warn you; the book is full of sex. When I chose this book, I knew there was a sexual aspect to it, but it is much more graphic than I would ordinarily choose. Also, there is more angst in this book than in a public high school. It is overwhelming at times.

I admire Spring’s forward-thinking ideas. I award, Only When It’s Love, 3 out of 5 stars. It is a fantastic Chick Lit novel that allows you to get carried away.

About the Author – Olivia Spring

Olivia Spring is a British, London-based writer of contemporary women’s fiction, sexy chick lit and romantic comedy. Her uplifting debut novel The Middle-Aged Virgin, which was released in July 2018, deals with being newly single in your thirties and beyond, dating, relationships, love, sex and living life to the full.

In addition to The Middle-Aged Virgin, Olivia has published four novels: The Middle-Aged Virgin in Italy, Love Offline, Losing My Inhibitions and Only When It’s Love. When’s The Wedding?, the hotly anticipated sequel to Only When It’s Love and Olivia’s sixth novel, will be published in March 2021.

When she’s not writing, Olivia can be found travelling to Italy to indulge in pasta, pizza and gelato and of course, seeking inspiration for her next book!

Author’s Social Media Links: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | BookBub

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